Shop Config

In the root folder of your shop there is a file called shop.config.js, view file for exact types, that contains options for different features that are built in by default. Editing the values in this file allows you to customize a lot of how your shop works.

Add the following to get a typed version of the config:

`/** @type {import('@jetshop/core/components/ConfigProvider').BootOptions} */`
const config = {

export default config
Key Type Description
theme object Passes the theming variables to the internals of the framework. This is used e.g. in the Image component to make sure to use the correct breakpoints etc. You shouldn't have to touch this.
apolloConfig object See Apollo Config
trackingID (DEPRECATED) string Default Google Analytics tracking ID to use. If the value is set in the Jetshop Admin, that will override this value
additionalGtagTrackingIds string[] Additional tracking IDs to use for gtag. Supported services: Google Ads, Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360 and Campaign Manager
tagManagerID (DEPRECATED) string Default Google Tag Manager container ID to use. If the value is set in the Jetshop Admin, that will override this value
ga4 (DEPRECATED) boolean Google Analytics 4 is opt-in. Set this to true to make gtag track using GA4 instead of Universal Analytics
relewareEnabled boolean Enable Releware tracking
sentry object Read about Error logging
intl object See Intl
disableGeoRedirect boolean The default behaviour is to redirect users to the appropriate user based on their IP address. Setting this to true disables that behaviour.
singleDomainMode boolean In this mode all channels will be under the same domain but prefixed with the channel name when changing channels. E.g. the default channel will be and the Sweden channel will be under as opposed to when this is disabled.
schemaExtensions Extensions[] Read about Integrating External APIs
preserveRedirect boolean Try to navigate to the same route in the new channel when changing channels
structuredData object Read about Structured data
openGraph object Read about Open Graph
trackers Trackers[] See Custom Tracking
serverTrackers [] See Server Side Tracking
googleMapsApiKey string Used in to render a map in the Store locator
loginPath string Users are redirected to this route if they try to reach a page that requires authentication without being signed in
pathsWithNoAuthRequired string[] If a channel is configured to require the user to be authenticated, these are the only routes you can access without being signed in
preload object See Preload
brandCustomField string Sets which of a product's custom field should be considered a brand (defaults to "brand"). This primarily affects tracking and open graph. To access a product's brand field specifically, use the getBrand function (available in @jetshop/core/components/OpenGraph/OpenGraphProductData) along with the configuration value, e.g getBrand(product, config.brandCustomField)
usePrimaryRouteForProducts boolean Set to true if you wish to use product.primaryRoute.path as product link from category instead of current category. Defaults to false.
useTrackingConsentAPI boolean Set to true if you wish to use Google consent mode. Defaults to false in early 5.15.x versions. Read more.
useIndefinitelySavedCart boolean Set to true if you wish to use saved carts on logged in customers. Available from 6.1.0, defaults to false. Read more.
usePolyfilling boolean Set to true if you wish to use polyfills before booting shop. Available from 6.2.0, defaults to false. Read more.


This configuration object tells Apollo where and how to fetch our data. Usually you just need to change the shopid to the proper value to be up and running.

Key Type Description
shopid string Which shopid to use when querying the API
graphQLURI string The URL to the StoreAPI. This should not be changed.
token string Token used to authenticate with the API. Should not be mistaken with the Authorization header which is used to get data for a specific user when the user has signed in.
channelsQuery GraphQL query The query used to get all data on the channels which is used to get the localized information (currency, languages etc) as well as other things configured in the Norce Admin. Usually you don't have to touch this, but you might need to extend this query if there's additional data you're interested in.
useGraphQLProxyServer boolean Set this to true to enable schema extensions. See Integrating External APIs
enableGateway (deprecated) boolean The legacy way of Integrating External APIs.
engineApiKey (deprecated) string There used to be a feature called Apollo Engine which was used to get statistics for the queries run through Apollo. The official support for this was dropped in an earlier version.


This object tells where to find translations and how to format numbers (mainly prices) in different locales.

Key Type Description
translations object An object containing imports for all supported locales. Usually you don't need to touch this.
defaultLocale string The default language of the shop. This is used as a fallback if a translation string cannot be found in a particular language.
options object Overrides you want to pass to format-message, our translation utility. For a complete list of available options, see the format-message API docs for setup.

A common usecase is overriding the formatting function for price rendering. E.g. if you want to change the rendering of prices in swedish to show no fraction digits if there are no decimals, you can try out the following:

  intl: {
    options: {
      formats: {
        number: {
          SEK: {
            style: "currency",
            currency: "SEK",
            minimumFractionDigits: 0,

The options are passed to Intl.NumberFormat, so read the MDN reference for more details.

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