
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

The main version of this monorepo will be decided by the template-trend package version but this changelog will represent all updates.

GraphQL Server Changelogs

6.3.0 - Unreleased

6.2.9 - 2024-06-28

  • @jetshop/core Use Cloudflare as polyfill service. Using polyfill stays opt-in.
    As part of the migration process, remove any polyfill bypass code present in the index.html file. Read more

6.2.8 - 2024-05-21

  • @jetshop/core Addressed an issue where the shopping cart would unexpectedly empty upon user login when the useIndefinitelySavedCart option was disabled.
  • @jetshop/core Stopped using client-side stored customer lists for logged-in users so the lists are synced across devices.

6.2.7 - 2024-05-20

  • @jetshop/core Resolved issues with cart item removals.

6.2.6 - 2024-03-27

  • @jetshop/core Allow partial channel overrides from shop.config.

[6.2.1-6.2.5] - 2024-03-02

  • @jetshop/core Update latest tag due to 5.16 patches.
  • @jetshop/ui Update latest tag due to 5.16 patches.
  • @jetshop/intl Update latest tag due to 5.16 patches.
  • @jetshop/react-scripts Update latest tag due to 5.16 patches.

6.2.1 - 2024-03-02

  • @jetshop/core Only preconnect to polyfill service if enabled.

6.2.0 - 2024-03-01

  • @jetshop/core Execute project Polykill, but opt-in for polyfill. Read more

6.1.5 - 2024-02-12

  • @jetshop/intl Add internalisation support for TypeScript files. Read more

6.1.4 - 2023-12-20

  • @jetshop/core Revisited indefinitely saved cart on logged in customers. Read more

6.1.2 - 2023-12-13

  • @jetshop/core Remove deprecated field from signup mutation
  • @jetshop/core Logout on component mount

6.1.0 - 2023-12-07

  • @jetshop/core Save cart indefinitely on logged in customers. Read more

6.0.6 - 2023-11-22

  • @jetshop/core Resolveds issue where tracking callback not always fired
  • @jetshop/core Remove web-vitals
  • @jetshop/core Pass 'preloadRoute' prop to useRoutePreload for CategoryLink and ProductLink component
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add internal babel dependency to resolution list since it broke Trend build

6.0.5 - 2023-11-08

  • @jetshop/core Resolveds issue not being able to unmark products as favourites

6.0.4 - 2023-10-16

  • @jetshop/react-scripts Lazy load requested and default translations
  • @jetshop/core Remove Sentry from bundle if not properly configured. View migration.
  • @jetshop/template-trend Update translation imports to make readable file names

6.0.3 - 2023-08-21

  • @jetshop/core Rename ProductList fragment to enforce unique names

6.0.2 - 2023-08-21

  • @jetshop/react-scripts Optimize code splitting for translations too as they rarely change
  • @jetshop/react-scripts Add -detailed-source-maps argument on start to enable more detailed sourcemaps when debugging
  • @jetshop/core Throw useful error on missing route query when using useRoutePreload hook
  • @jetshop/ui Allow passing onMouseEnter to category, product and content link components

6.0.1 - 2023-07-20

  • @jetshop/core Clear client cache to prevent error page flash on channel update redirect
  • @jetshop/template-trend Handle internationalization with @jetshop/intl on LoginPage

6.0.0 - 2023-07-18

  • @jetshop/react-scripts Upgrade to latest Webpack (5.87.0)
  • @jetshop/react-scripts Add support for TypeScript (4.9.5)
  • @jetshop/react-scripts Add support for Tailwind (3.3.2)
  • @jetshop/react-scripts Optimize caching strategy by code-splitting React, Apollo, Node and Sentry
  • @jetshop/core Replace react-apollo in favor of latest @apollo/client (3.7.15)
  • @jetshop/core Is no longer dependent on @jetshop/ui
  • @jetshop/core Remove GoogleFont and TypekitFont in favor of locally hosted fonts
  • @jetshop/template-trend Remove server side-code leakage from client bundle
  • @jetshop/core|ui Upgrade to latest React (18.2.0)
  • @jetshop/core|ui|template-trend|intl|cli Fix high and critical vulnerabilities

    ** View full migration guide.

5.16.8 - 2024-06-26

  • @jetshop/core Use Cloudflare as polyfill service. Using polyfill is now opt-in.
    As part of the migration process, remove any polyfill bypass code present in the index.html file. Read more

5.16.7 - 2024-04-03

  • @jetshop/core Fix channeloverrides not being sent to client.

5.16.6 - 2024-03-27

  • @jetshop/core Allow channeloverrides from shop.config

5.16.5 - 2024-03-10

  • @jetshop/core Allow custom storeapi endpoint when using extensions

5.16.4 - 2024-03-07

  • @jetshop/core Use Fastly as polyfill provider.

5.16.3 - 2023-04-26

  • @jetshop/core Adding colons in filter values won't break active filters query.

5.16.2 - 2023-04-03

  • @jetshop/core Revert adding ID to internal StockStatusFragment since it broke in some cases.

5.16.1 - 2023-03-23

  • @jetshop/core Remove empty GA4 initialization.

5.16.0 - 2023-03-22

  • @jetshop/core Allow running UA(GA3), GA4 and GTM with GA4 event structure in parallell.
  • @jetshop/core Create a SHA256 hash for country sent to Facebook using server side tracking.
  • @jetshop/core Add ID to StockStatusFragment to make sure the fragment is cached properly.
  • @jetshop/ui Added timestamps to the low quality placeholder images.
  • @jetshop/ui Make sure all per page products are server side rendered when using WindowedCategory component.

5.15.2 - 2023-01-26

  • @jetshop/core Fix for meta tags not always being server side rendered when channels are grouped.

5.15.1 - 2023-01-25

  • @jetshop/core Use new GoogleTrackingConsent cookie to align with changes in checkout. Read more.

5.15.0 - 2022-12-12

  • @jetshop/core Introduces Google consent API behind a shop.config setting. Default behaviour is off. Read more.

5.14.6 - 2022-12-12

  • @jetshop/core Add fallback to index pages if not present in query. Read more .
  • @jetshop/core Have bestseller sorting set to DESCENDING as default.
  • @jetshop/template-trend Have FREE_PRODUCT rendered as it's own component in cart view.

5.14.5 - 2022-12-05

  • @jetshop/core Uptake allowWebIndexing value from Storeapi on categories and pages, make sure to add field to each query. Read more .

5.14.4 - 2022-11-16


  • @jetshop/core Make sure accept-language value is set before usage.

5.14.2 - 2022-10-26


  • @jetshop/core Fixed issue with duplicated tracking events.
  • @jetshop/core Add eventid for all tracking events.
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add no-index for system pages.

5.14.1 - 2022-08-19


  • @jetshop/template-trend Uptake grouped channels in various channelselectors. ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/core Added null check to comment validation for AddToCartFormiks. ( @jansjogren )
  • @jetshop/ui|template-trend Add hidePrice prop to Price component. hidePrice on product types. See docs ( @erikpehrers )

5.14.0 - 2022-08-15


  • @jetshop/core Allow grouping of channels where we only recommend channels within the group. This also only renders alternate routes from channels within the group. Contact Product Support if the channels should be grouped. ( @erikpehrers )

5.13.3 - 2022-07-26


  • @jetshop/ui Extracting 'className' prop in Checkbox to avoid assigning the same className to two different DOM elements. ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Corrects condition on displaying product price history. ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/core Null check payload in useTracker to avoid undefined property access issues ( @erikpehrers )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Add component to view product price history. ( @erikpehrers )

5.13.2 - 2022-06-09


  • @jetshop/core Checkout will still load if tracking is disabled ( @woahitsraj )

5.13.1 - 2022-06-09


  • @jetshop/template-trend Corrects condition on displaying product price history. ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/core Null check payload in useTracker to avoid undefined property access issues ( @erikpehrers )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Add component to view product price history. ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/core Allow grouping of channels where we only recommend channels within the group. This also only renders alternate routes from channels within the group. Contact Product Support if the channels should be grouped. ( @erikpehrers )

5.13.2 - 2022-06-09


  • @jetshop/core Checkout will still load if tracking is disabled ( @woahitsraj )

5.13.1 - 2022-06-09


  • @jetshop/ui Currency was getting culture from a depricated value of selectedChannel.currency. Changed it to get it from selectedChannel.language instead. ( @norbert-j )

5.13.0 - 2022-05-10


  • @jetshop/core Allow sending dynamicContent and preferences as a part of SignupInput see docs . ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/core Allow adding additional formatter for signup values, can be used with externalAttributes sent to Voyado see docs usage . ( @erikpehrers )


  • @jetshop/core Fixed problem where infinitePagination showed there are more (next) products if total results and products per page are equal ( @norbert-j )

5.12.4 - 2022-04-14


  • @jetshop/core Fixed problem where partial products would cause errors on product page's that weren't expecting them ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Change password page no longer errors when trying to change password ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Server time for CAPI events now fixed and including country and correct IP address header ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Canonical routes now being properly set on non default languages ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Header debug endpoint now available ad /debug/headers ( @woahitsraj )

5.12.3 - 2022-03-14

  • @jetshop/core Prevent scroll to top on duplicate triggering of useScrollRestore. ( @jansjogren )
  • -

5.12.2 - 2022-02-25


  • @jetshop/core Fixed regression where channel route lookups are being done after changing channel ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Allow sending priceListAccessCode as a part of SignupInput see docs . ( @erikpehrers )

5.12.1 - 2022-02-15


  • @jetshop/core Reset password will no longer redirect to start page ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fix problem where facebook CAPI would break when providing a token form the API ( @woahitsraj )

5.12.0 - 2022-02-11


  • @jetshop/core Add starting slash to category hierarchy for analytics ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Use facebook CAPI tokens from channels query in API ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Add callback to wait for response from server tracker before redirecting to cart ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Add focal point support for Akamai images ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Allow preview ot content on language that isn't active in the channel ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Add structured data for category and content pages ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Add support for subpage ( @alfredringstad )

5.11.2 - 2022-01-12

  • @jetshop/ui Add missing size value in default sizes of Gallery component. ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/template-trend external links are now handled in the content parser ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Use new breadcrumbs field from the StoreAPI to track category in gtag and GTM ( @alfredringstad )

5.11.1 - 2021-12-16


  • @jetshop/core Fix accidental breaking change in multiple product lists implementation ( @jesper )

5.11.0 - 2021-11-30

See Migrating to Flight 5.11.0


  • @jetshop/core Support for multiple product lists. ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Support for multiple product lists. ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/ui Load first image in product page gallery eagerly ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Load first 4 images in product grid eagerly ( @alfredringstad )


  • @jetshop/core Add more errors to Sentry ignore list ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix bug causing variants to be non-selectable in some cases ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core and @jetshop/template-trend Fix bug where cart tracking was sent multiple times ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Fix crash when pid field is null ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Refactor channel handler and provider to remove apollo dependency. ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/intl Refactor intl to not use JSX. ( @jesper )

5.10.0 - 2021-11-23


  • @jetshop/ui Fixed React warnings caused by spreading all props to <img> elements ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Upgraded react-apollo-network-status to reduce console warnings ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Cleanup Sentry error reporting by reducing amount of false positives sent ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Provide commit hash to Sentry to make it easier to know when an error was introduced ( @alfredringstad )


  • @jetshop/core Send product data through to product link component and ProductPage. ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Reduce number of Cypress tests included when starting a new shop so it's easier to have them running ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/ui Image component now uses loading="eager" on images marked as critical ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Fix for "rouge referral" problem in GA4 and gtag implementation ( @woahitsraj )

5.9.0 - 2021-11-15


  • @jetshop/template-trend Make sure brand is tracked in data layer. ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/core Fix bug in Image component causing images without aspect ratio not to be cropped correctly ( @alfredringstad )


  • @jetshop/core Config option to set brand custom field name. ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/core Add support for Google Tag Manager enhanced ecommerce tracking ( @alfredringstad )

5.8.3 - 2021-11-10


  • @jetshop/core Fixes server error response on 404 pages. ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/core Fix useUnfinitePagination next page (off by one). ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/core Fix form validation for organizationNumber in my pages ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/core Have Facebook CAPI tracking respect useArticleNumberAsId ( @woahitsraj )

5.8.2 - 2021-10-11


  • @jetshop/core Fix Google Analytics 4 events ( @woahitsraj )

5.8.1 - 2021-10-08


  • @jetshop/core Fix image component hiding children on some sites ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fix Google Analytics no longer sending events ( @woahitsraj )

5.8.0 - 2021-10-06


  • @jetshop/core Add OpenGraph docs and test ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/core Add GA4 option for analytics ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Send status code to handle empty routes as 404 on client ( @woahitsraj )

5.7.0 - 2021-09-27


  • @jetshop/{core,ui} Upgraded react-router and react-router-dom to 5.2.1 ( @jesper )


  • @jetshop/core Fix organizationNumber input field not containing the proper data when changing profile details. ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/ui Make sure badges in bottom positions are visible ( @jesper )
  • @jetshop/{core,template-trend} Improve signup validation messages see docs ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/core Add missing product tracking events in cart (add and remove), and for package products. ( @woahitsraj )

5.6.2 - 2021-08-30


  • @jetshop/core Added redirect case for preview routes so that they would be preserved ( @woahitsraj )

5.6.1 - 2021-08-26


  • @jetshop/core added modifiedDate to ProductGrid images( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Improve error handling and restrict large page numbers from being querried ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Server side routing issues will no longer send back a 404 empty route ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core support for server side tracking with facebook CAPI ( @woahitsraj )

5.6.0 - 2021-06-22


  • @jetshop/core Language suffix added to URL when default language is not selected ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Add structured data for all pages ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix bad finish translations ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix type issues in structured data ( @alfredringstad )

5.5.4 - 2021-05-20


  • @jetshop/template-trend Update ci file and fix build issue ( @ankarhem )

5.5.3 - 2021-05-12


  • @jetshop/template-trend Sample implementation of a HTML content renderer ( @alfredringstad )


  • @jetshop/ui Pass image title in the image gallery (@Krabba)

5.5.2 - 2021-05-10


  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix store page rendering in template-trend ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Fix network error handling issue in 5.5.1 release. ( @alfredringstad )

5.5.1 - 2021-05-07


  • @jetshop/core Improve documentation for migrating to Flight 5.0 ( @norbert-j )


5.4.5 - 2021-04-20


  • @jetshop/template-trend Minor styling tweaks and bug fixes for dealing with nullish data ( @Ankarhem , @woahitsraj , @alfredringstad , @rory )
  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where global channels cache could be overwritten with channel specific persisted queries. ( @alfredringstad )

5.4.4 - 2021-03-19


  • @jetshop/ui Upgrade snappy-react-grid and add id prop to windowedgrid ( @alfredringstad )

5.4.3 - 2021-03-19


  • @jetshop/ui Fix issue where refactored content rendering would render children as single node ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Correctly handle undefined list values in product list reducer ( @JonatanCamacho )

5.4.2 - 2021-03-08


  • @jetshop/ui Add ContentRenderer Component ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Upgrade mobile range filter and add a clear functionality to useRangefFilter hook ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Reapply filters on pagination change ( @woahitsraj )

5.4.1 - 2021-03-02


  • @jetshop/react-scripts Regenerator runtime error on building a new shop should be fixed for new shops for real this time ( @woahitsraj )

5.4.0 - 2021-02-20


  • @jetshop/template-trend Getting schema has been updating and requires a new command. Please replace your prepare script to be graphql codegen instead of graphql get-schema ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Almost all dependency warnings have been eliminated ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/react-scripts Regenerator runtime error on building a new shop should be fixed for new shops ( @woahitsraj )

5.3.1 - 2021-02-20


  • @jetshop/core Fixed issue where login on b2b sites would not refetch queries properly ( @woahitsraj )

5.3.0 - 2021-01-12


  • @jetshop/core Replace lodash.get with es2020 features ( @Ankarhem )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Use encrypted values on signup ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix issue where css would be missing on find location in stores page ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Handle missing breadcrumbs on inactive campaign products ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix issue with warehouse stock causing product pages to crash ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix issue with inf. pag. where num. of products was 0 ( @Ankarhem )

5.2.3 - 2020-12-15


  • @jetshop/template-trend Add modifiedDate where it was missing on queries ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Add support for page preview ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/core Add tracking initialization for other googles services using additionalGtagTrackingIds ( @Ankarhem )


  • @jetshop/ui Fixes z-index issue in gallery component ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add modifiedDate where it was missing on queries ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend No longer uses 3rd-party API for country flags ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Startpage renderer fixed to use the improved api structure ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/ui Fixes issue in Image component where loading state wouldn't reset when src Changed ( @Ankarhem )

5.2.2 - 2020-11-23


5.2.1 - 2020-11-23


  • @jetshop/template-trend Remove standard pagination on demostore in favor of infinite ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Remove currency format culture as it is depricated and use langauge culture instead ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Handle expired tokens ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix crash issues with hidden products in product lists ( @Ankarhem )

5.2.0 - 2020-10-30


  • @jetshop/ui Allow prefilling the email field on the login page ( @erikpehrers )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Updates current translations and adds new translations for Russian and Latvian ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Add option to preselect the cheapest variant combination ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Uses new content handing to render the new StartPage if available ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Rewrite StartPage components for new content data ( @Ankarhem )


  • @jetshop/ui Fix email validation regex not validating correctly for long top domains ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix issue where we would push entry to history twice on empty categories ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Upgrade xstate and update the deprecated transient transitions ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/react-scripts Fix dependency issue with html-webpack-plugin causing server compile problems ( @woahitsraj )

5.1.6 - 2020-10-14


  • @jetshop/core Move OpenGraph meta tags to core and add to all pages ( @Ankarhem )


5.1.5 - 2020-9-30


  • @jetshop/ui Allow overriding start page item names using new componentName key in start page item JSON ( @jonatan )
  • @jetshop/core Add support in useInfinitePagination hook to use with search pages ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/temple-trend Windowed search grid example in trend ( @Ankarhem )


  • @jetshop/core /articlenumber/:articlenumber is now handled in core instead of trend ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Fix infinite pagination locking scroll position on focused element in chrome >=83 ( @Ankarhem )

5.1.4 - 2020-9-15


  • @jetshop/core Fix filters not persisting when returning to category from product ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/ui Prevent SearchField from crashing when autoCompleteQuery misses either product or category ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Add missing id to googleUserId query to resolved apollo network error ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Fix redirect when on the same channel failing to translate route when changing languages ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fix styling issues in PreOrderDateSelector ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Server Side Render to string instead of node stream to better handle memory and improve page speed ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/react-scripts Upgrade linaria to allow for environment variable interpolation an build time ( @woahitsraj )

5.1.3 - 2020-9-03


  • @jetshop/core Fix Login Form provider sending errors in a different way ( @woahitsraj )

5.1.2 - 2020-9-02


  • @jetshop/core Fix problem with Product link causing errors on some stores ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Adds logout route to avoid triggering unathorized errors ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Moved SortDropdown to shop and uses new useSortOrders hook ( @Ankarhem )


  • @jetshop/core Refactored sort with useSortOrders hook ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Respecting the login disable period coming from API ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/ui Added pre-date selector component (for product page) ( @norbert-j )

5.1.1 - 2020-8-31


  • @jetshop/core Syncing browser tabs when a user logged in and logged out ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Syncing browser tabs when a change happened in the user cart ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Refactored sort with useSortOrders hook ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Respecting the login disable period coming from API ( @norbert-j )


  • @jetshop/core SSR html attributes to fix googles' lang and hreflang mismatch ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Align badges on product list page ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/ui Adds missing render prop to Above component ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Moved SortDropdown to shop and uses new useSortOrders hook ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Reduce eagerness of preload on hover for category and product links ( @woahitsraj )

5.1.0 - 2020-8-12


  • @jetshop/core Support default boolean filters ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Collect web vitals when REACT_APP_REPORT_WEB_VITALS is true ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Respects the browsers Do Not Track (DNT) setting before injecting tracking ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Apply filters in url on location change ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Adding basic cookie consent modal ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/ui Uptake modified date on images ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix accessibility issues ( @norbert-j )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix canonical meta links displaying on startpage ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix bug to display validationMessage in AddToCartForm ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Correctly displays discounted prices in open graph meta tags ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core replace react-media-universal with react-media ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Sending entire hierarchy of category to analytics ( @norbert-j )

5.0.2 - 2020-6-30


  • @jetshop/core Implement login and sign_up in tag manager ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Implent add to wishlist in tag manager ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Fixing the error in Chrome where doing a refresh on the site(F5) after visiting the site from Google, the referrer is still Google( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend When trying to add a package product to cart without variant selected, it shows a relevant message on the add to cart button and scrolls to the products ( @norbert-j )



  • @jetshop/core Track user id in google tag manager( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add support for querying products from /articlenumber/:articlenumber( @erikpehrers )


  • Replace emotion with linaria ( @Jayphen )

4.5.17-non-polyfill - 2024-06-27

  • @jetshop/core Remove polyfill service.

4.5.17 - 2021-08-26


  • @jetshop/core added modifiedDate to productgird images( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Improve error handling and restrict large page numbers from being querried ( @woahitsraj )

4.5.16 - 2021-05-07

  • @jetshop/core Clear auth token when it has expired. ( @woahitsraj )

4.5.15 - 2021-04-20

  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where global channels cache could be overwritten with channel specific persisted queries. ( @alfredringstad )

4.5.14 - 2021-03-23


  • @jetshop/core Correctly handle undefined list values in product list reducer @JonatanCamacho )

4.5.10 - 2020-11-23


4.5.9 - 2020-11-23


  • @jetshop/core Handle expired tokens ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix crash issues with hidden products in product lists ( @Ankarhem )

4.5.8 - 2020-10-30


  • @jetshop/core Fix email validation regex not validating correctly for long top domains ( @Ankarhem )

4.5.7 - 2020-10-14


4.5.6 - 2020-9-30


  • @jetshop/ui Allow overriding start page item names using new componentName key in start page item JSON ( @jonatan )


  • @jetshop/core Fix infinite pagination locking scroll position on focused element in chrome >=83 ( @Ankarhem )

4.5.5 - 2020-9-16


  • @jetshop/core Fix filters not persisting when returning to category from product ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/ui Prevent SearchField from crashing when autoCompleteQuery misses either product or category ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Add missing id to googleUserId query to resolved apollo network error ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Fix redirect when on the same channel failing to translate route when changing languages ( @woahitsraj

4.5.4 - 2020-9-08


  • @jetshop/core Use renderToString instead of renderToNodeStream for SSR to prevent memory leak issues and improve server performance ( @woahitsraj )

4.5.3 - 2020-9-02


  • @jetshop/core Fix problem with Product link causing errors on some stores ( @woahitsraj )

4.5.2 - 2020-8-31


  • @jetshop/core SSR html attributes to fix googles' lang and hreflang mismatch ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Reduce eagerness of preload on hover for category and product links ( @woahitsraj )

4.5.1 - 2020-8-25


  • @jetshop/core Set filter container to warn only in dev ( @woahitsraj )

4.5.0 - 2020-8-12


  • @jetshop/core Support default boolean filters ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Uptake modified date on images ( @norbert-j )

4.4.2 - 2020-6-30


  • @jetshop/core Fixing the error in Chrome where doing a refresh on the site(F5) after visiting the site from Google, the referrer is still Google( @norbert-j )

4.3.10 & 4.4.1 - 2020-6-25


  • @jetshop/core Track user id in google tag manager( @norbert-j )

4.3.9 - 2020-6-16


  • @jetshop/core Fallback to use id on OrderDetailQuery in useOrderDetailQuery if missing orderId ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Serialize Apollo state to a string instead of using JS ( @jonatan )
  • @jetshop/core Clear auth token if is expired and redirect to homepage ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend mobile menu access category with subcategories ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Buy button is now inactive when the product is out of stock ( @norbert-j )


  • @jetshop/core Implement UserId in tag manager ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Disable package item variants when out of stock ( @Jayphen )

4.3.8-non-polyfill - 2020-5-29

  • @jetshop/core Remove polyfill service.

4.3.8 - 2024-06-27


  • @jetshop/ui Add critical prop to Image component, intended for use on hero images that load above the fold ( @Jayphen )

4.3.7 - 2020-5-27


  • @jetshop/core Fix cart not being fetched on initial render ( @Jayphen )

4.3.6 - 2020-5-26


  • @jetshop/core Fix missing field __typename regression ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Prevent re-fetch of category, product, and content pages after initial server render ( @Jayphen )

4.3.5 - 2020-5-25


  • @jetshop/core Keep cart ID in sync between tabs ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/core Add DEBUG_MODE env var, currently used for logging graphql operation times ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Remove item from ProductList when it no longer exists in db ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Default filters to correct data struture to avoid repeated fetches during SSR ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Use codesplitting for CategoryPage ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Set cacheControl to false when using gateway to reduce response size ( @Jayphen )

4.3.4 - 2020-5-13


  • @jetshop/core Fix bad url parsing on login redirects ( @woahitsraj )

4.3.3 - 2020-5-13



  • @jetshop/core Redirect url to login will no longer append the last character if there is no query string ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Keep product lists in sync between tabs ( @Ankarhem )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Hit /signout endpoint when logging out to ensure logout in checkout app ( @woahitsraj )

4.3.2 - 2020-04-29


  • @jetshop/core Upgrade react-apollo and related dependencies ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Upgrade react-apollo and related dependencies ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add toast notification when a package is added to the cart ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix CheckboxGroup inputs shrinking in width when horizontal space is reduced ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add channel selector back to mobile ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add PID support to MyPages ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add organizationNumber support to signup ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Show price including/excluding VAT in cart and MyPages order details ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Add support for optional preselected variant in StructuredData ( @erikpehrers )

4.3.1 - 2020-04-10


  • @jetshop/core Fix exception when >20 values of the same filter are selected ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Handle stores with missing coords in store list ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Handle extended Latin alphabet chars in preselected variant params ( @erikpehrers )

4.3.0 - 2020-04-01


  • @jetshop/core Added company signup support ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Support alternate routes on StartPage ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core orderId is used on OrderDetailQuery in useOrderDetailQuery instead of id ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend a hasOrderDetails check has been added to ListOrder.js so that one can't view order details on an order that has none ( @woahitsraj )

4.2.0 - 2020-03-27


  • @jetshop/core usePackageProducts hook for managing state of package products ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Package Products component on the product page has been added using the usePackageProducts ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/ui Reduce z-index of arrows/fullscreen button in gallery so they don't appear above modal backgrounds ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix x-overflow on 404 pages at mobile breakpoint ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Mobile inputs will no longer zoom when focused ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Made header more consistent on mobile and less cramped ( @woahitsraj )

4.1.2 - 2020-03-23


  • @jetshop/core Fix filters resetting when paginating ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Fix search params resetting after search page rehydrates ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Fix potential for 0 search results when narrowing search filters after paginating ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Fix search results showing as NaN while loading ( @Jayphen )

4.1.1 - 2020-03-12


  • @jetshop/core Added category results to SearchAutoComplete ( @Jayphen )

4.0.0 - 2020-03-11


  • @jetshop/core Route preloading is now available. Instructions on how to enable this for existing shops are available here ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core We have replaced react-loadable (which is no longer maintained) with loadable-components. The changes needed can be applied automatically, please see the migration guide for details here ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core getMissingOptions should not return null if second variant is selected first ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Single domain channels will no longer redirect when there are more than one channel found ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Route preloading is now available. See impimentation details here ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Loadable compenents have been removed and will no longer work. Please read migration details here ( @woahitsraj )

3.13.4 - 2020-02-25


  • @jetshop/core Add useVariantsFromUrl hook to preselect variants from search params ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/ui Add type=button to DropdownMenuButton ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Fix variant preselection during SSR ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add null check for store data at /stores route ( @woahitsraj )

3.13.3 - 2020-02-14


  • @jetshop/core Add getVariantFromSelection method to useProductVariants ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/all Resolved to patched Emotion 9 to suppress deprecated lifecycle method warnings ( @Jayphen )

3.13.2 - 2020-02-05


  • @jetshop/core Fix product list localStorage key not persisting between sessions ( @Jayphen )

3.13.1 - 2020-02-03


  • @jetshop/core Fix boolean filter not updating URL params ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Deprecation warning added for FilterContainer ( @Jayphen )

3.13.0 - 2020-01-31


  • @jetshop/core Add useProductVariants hook ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Add useProductList hook ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Add useProductListItems hook ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add example Favourites implementation ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend useProductVariants for product page variants ( @Jayphen )
  • config Add config flag for opting in to new product variant handling ( @Jayphen )

3.12.2 - 2020-01-23


  • @jetshop/core Fix case where preloaded chunks would be double fetched in Chrome ( @Jayphen )

3.12.1 - 2020-01-16


  • @jetshop/react-scripts Add crossOriginLoading flag to Webpack to resolved cross-origin errors in development (see: ) ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Persisted queries should use channel headers ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Fixed filters breaking after logging in/out ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Include search params in canonical href ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fixed error messages overlaying labels ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fixed duplicate page view tracking on start page ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Track page view on search page when search term changes ( @norbert-j )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Added GA page view track to several pages: my pages, store locator, password change, login and signup ( @norbert-j )


  • @jetshop/ui Add id props for SelectDropdown to associate labels with inputs ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Using variant image in product toast and cart ( @Jayphen )

3.12.0 - 2020-01-16


  • @jetshop/template-trend Display quantity with multiplied price in add to cart flyout ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Passing down list name from home page product grid to product page for GA ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Add support for custom route names ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Add list attribute to product page view event for GA ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Add auto pre-selecting variants by url query on product pages ( @norbert-j )


  • @jetshop/core Add alias to alternate links ( @norbert-j )


  • @jetshop/core redirectDisabled will be preserved on channel auth redirects and is now case insensitive ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Channels that require auth will not prefetch queries as it causes errors ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fixed problem where products who's route started with the same string as the basename would 404 ( @woahitsraj )

3.11.0 - 2019-12-19


  • @jetshop/core Add support for SalesSource cookie ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Add support for infinite pagination ( @alfredringstad )

3.10.2 - 2019-12-11


  • @jetshop/core Georedirect will now look for a channel with the country set as default first ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Add shop.config.js option for using article number as id in gtag instead of Jetshop product id ( @alfredringstad )

3.10.1 - 2019-12-10


  • @jetshop/template-trend Add a banner that suggests switching channels when a recommendedChannel is found ( @Jayphen )/( @mairamartinsk )
  • @jetshop/core Add support for PID to signup form ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add PID to SignupPage ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Remove location reporting from Google Analytics as it causes issues for Single Page Apps ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fix crash in StructuredProductData when price, primaryRoute or stockStatus are null ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Allow routing to /forgot-password and /reset-password when channel requires auth ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/intl Fix translation linting and upgrade format-message to 6.2.3 ( @alfredringstad )

3.10.0 - 2019-11-28


  • @jetshop/core Added preconnect link elements for known external script dependencies ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Add configurable persisted queries to increase throughput under heavy traffic ( @Jayphen )

3.9.3 - 2019-10-20

  • @jetshop/template-trend Appropriately size images on Start Page ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Upgrade typescript for optional chaining ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Clear filter option should now work when multiple filters active ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Fix channel redirect logic for paths without basename ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Filters are applied correctly when going back/forward in history ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Active filters are displayed as active during server render ( @Jayphen )

3.9.2 - 2019-10-12


  • @jetshop/core Recommended channel is no longer undefined ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Georedirects will no longer run when a channel is chosen ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Fixes a bug where 'clear filter' on list filters would not work when multiple filters were active ( @Jayphen )

3.9.1 - 2019-10-08


  • @jetshop/core Recommended Channel is now available on ChannelProvider ( @woahitsraj )

3.9.0 - 2019-10-07


  • @jetshop/core Channel handling has been refactored to avoid leaking data to the global apollo client ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Channels that require authorization will be redirected to the login page if there is no auth token ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Channel redirect and routing logic has been drastically simplified ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Support for A/B testing with Google Optimize ( @alfredringstad )



  • @jetshop/react-scripts Transpile node_module imports with babel to solve issues with dependencies only shipping ES6+ code ( @alfredringstad )


  • @jetshop/core Fixed broken legacy filters when importing GlobalFilters ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/ui Improve image component backward compatibility ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core useFreeShippingCheck will now accept no arguments ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Enable trust proxy setting ( @jonatan )



  • @jetshop/core Fixed wrong lookup on routes when changing channels for single domain ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Route lookup failures will now fall back to start page ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Routes will now be preserved with Geo redirect and single domain redirect ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core my-pages profile page and password page will no longer crash ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Fix some routes not being redirected properly on channel change ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Prevent reset store being fired while queries are in flight in login/logout ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Opt-in (for now) refactor of filters to improve DX and performance ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Fixed pricesIncVat check on channel settings used by usePrice hook ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Double slashes will not be sent on ProductLinks from category ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where login redirect would fail if there was no RedirectUrl ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/ui Refactor Image component; uses picture and img instead of a background image; various performance enhancements ( @Jayphen )



  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where login redirect would fail if there was no RedirectUrl ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Login redirect will now happen after auth token has been got from cart ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Appropriate culture header will now be set using accept-language or default culture ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Login will now actually redirect to RedirectUrl if it is in the query string ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Fix optimistic response for set quantity mutation ( @Jayphen )



  • @jetshop/core Country settings no longer available on channel to reduce channels query size ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Add pre order date to AddToCartFormik ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Remove culture from query string in alternate routes when it is default ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Login will now redirect to RedirectUrl if it is in the query string ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Fixed issue where multiple tracking events to category were fired ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/template-trend More Swedish translations for My Pages ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Page titles will now be sent in google analytics ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Retain query params when redirecting to login page ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Swedish translations for My Pages ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Added several e2e add to cart integration tests ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Keep TLS/SSL connections alive when server side rendering with Apollo link keep alive ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Add keepAlive for all fetch calls ( @jonatan )



  • @jetshop/ui BREAKING react-apollo-hooks has been replaced in favor of @apollo/react-hooks ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/ui Product configurations should change when selected ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Page titles will now be sent in google analytics ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Product lists will attribute revenue to categories in google analytics ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Currency now set in google analytics ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Pagination is now correctly applied during server render @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added option to use pagenum for pagination queryString @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Pagination now renders anchor tags instead of buttons @Jayphen )



  • @jetshop/core Add support for Product Configurations ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add Store Locator ( @atwoodhouse )


  • @jetshop/ui Prevent hash links from scrolling to viewport top ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Add keepAlive for all fetch calls @jonatan )
  • @jetshop/ui Reduce quality of LQIPs used by image component @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Add polyfills for IE (Promise, Fetch, and Symbol) @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Improve bundling performance and reduce initial bundle size @toli )
  • @jetshop/core Prevent product page crashing when customerComments are not fetched @Jayphen )

3.1.3 - 2019-08-09


  • @jetshop Upgrade to React 16.9 ( @Jayphen )

3.1.2 - 2019-08-08


  • @jetshop/core Page tracking on single domain mode now includes basename ( @woahitsraj )

3.1.0 - 2019-08-06


  • @jetshop/core Add useSwitchToVariantImage hook, which switches the displayed gallery image to the selected variant ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add development script for inspecting node ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add badge to mobile cart icon ( @mairamartinsk )


  • @jetshop/core Fix issue where only one product variant would be set when using defaultSelectedItem on SelectDropdown ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where channelsQuery was expected as a parameter but was on the ApolloConfig causing warning to be thrown ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix sorting dropdown background color on category page ( @mairamartinsk )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix cancel button width on search bar ( @mairamartinsk )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Refactor and move ProductGrid and ProductCard in to Trend ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Refactor ProductPage ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Article number on product page changes to reflect selected variation ( @mairamartinsk )

3.0.0 - 2019-07-25


  • @jetshop/core Setting language based on "accepted-language" header ( @norbert-j )


  • @jetshop/core Replace react-scripts with Razzle ( @jonatan )
  • @jetshop/core Remove Addwish and nosto into separate modules ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Remove gql utility ( @alfredringstad )


  • @jetshop/core Removed cookie-to-localStorage conversion for cartId ( @Jayphen )

0.16.4 - 2019-08-13


  • @jetshop/core Remove stray "!" in ProductRoute ( @woahitsraj )

0.16.3 - 2019-08-07


  • @jetshop/core Page tracking on single domain mode now includes basename ( @woahitsraj )

0.16.1 - 2019-07-22


  • @jetshop/core Changed MyPages Customer forms to use updated API (unique id, addition of name) for CustomerField ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Flight now uses node 12 ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Fix product page crash when structuredData key is not in shop config ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Add campaigns to product page ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Added variant option names to cart and order detail listing ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Added local copy of schema to improve graphql dx ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/cli CLI will ask for shopid and set it in shop.config.js and .graphqlconfig ( @Jayphen )

0.16.0 - 2019-07-18


  • @jetshop/core Add plugins config option for Apollo server ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Added public API for registering custom analytics trackers ( @KATT )
  • @jetshop/core useTracker hook for triggering analytics events ( @KATT )
  • @jetshop/core Added quantity to add to cart tracking events ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added variant and url keys to product tracking ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added password validation for reset and change password forms ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Allow structured product data to be edited in shop ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added delivery address support to MyPages ( @norbert-j )
  • @jetshop/core Added usePrice hook ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Upgraded apollo-server to 2.6.9 ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Removed PriceBehaviour in favour of usePrice() ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Removed queries for recommendedPrice , as it is unused ( @Jayphen )

0.15.0 - 2019-07-05


  • @jetshop/template-trend Theme.js is now independent from ui ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Enable Sentry on the server ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Add prop initialOpenMatchingCategories to automatically open categories matching the current path in RecursiveTree ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/ui Added sanitize and normalize css to Theme as optional imports ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.9 - 2019-07-01

  • @jetshop/core Render link tags on server in Head ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.8 - 2019-07-01

  • @jetshop/core Only render canonical route when route object is present ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.7 - 2019-06-28


  • @jetshop/core Lock graphql version due to Object.freeze causing bug ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where nosto would fail on null cart ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Improved styling of some components ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Clean up trend to make it look nicer ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.6 - 2019-06-26


  • @jetshop/core Add cart null check for backwards compatibility ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.5 - 2019-06-26


  • @jetshop/core Fix bad null check on route query warning ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.4 - 2019-06-26


  • @jetshop/core Add warning for RouteCrumbFragment not being included on RouteQuery.gql ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix images breaking that are not local ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix widths on my pages being to big on tablet ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix nested forms on Product page ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.3 - 2019-06-25


  • @jetshop/core Add key to link tags on Head ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.2 - 2019-06-25


  • @jetshop/core Add alternate and canonical link tags to Head ( @woahitsraj )



  • @jetshop/core Fix regression where cart button would be disabled on shops using the old framework ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fix issue with exception thrown by localStorage.getItem in Safari Private Browsing Mode ( @jonatan )
  • @jetshop/core Fix SSR regression issue with missing breakpoint persistance ( @jonatan )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix issue SSR hydration caused by LoadingBar ( @jonatan )
  • @jetshop/ui OnClick event now bubbles up on ProductLinks ( @woahitsraj )

0.14.1 - 2019-06-10


  • @jetshop/core Remove query for ID on Countries due to bad cache normalization ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/react-scripts Updated react-testing-library – it has been renamed to @testing-library/react ( @Jayphen )

0.14.0 - 2019-06-10


  • @jetshop/ui Added Currency component ( @Jayphen )
  • Added user signup ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Ability to change products per page using PaginationProvider ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Refactored Add to cart to use Formik ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Add to cart now supports customer comments with validation ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Nosto now supports attribution ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/intl Intl will now extract strings from core and ui ( @woahitsraj )

0.13.4 - 2019-05-22


  • @jetshop/core Route will now be preserved on channel redirects ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Single domain mode georedirect will now has a starting slash ( @woahitsraj )

0.13.3 - 2019-05-17


  • @jetshop/core Single domain mode georedirect will now no longer redirect to bad routes ( @woahitsraj )

0.13.2 - 2019-05-16


0.13.1 - 2019-05-13


  • @jetshop/core Nosto tagging now rendering on server ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Make mutations return a promise so they're chainable ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Disable redirect will now also clear cookies ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix data attribute name warning in FilterAccordion ( @alfredringstad )

0.13.0 - 2019-05-09


  • @jetshop/ui getFlyoutProps in SearchAutoCompleteContainer now accepts refKey option ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Props passed to Gallery are now spread on react-image-gallery component ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Add Head component for title/meta data on all Dynamic Route pages ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Load polyfills before all other chunks ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui defaultFilters on GlobalFilters can now be scoped to a specific category ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/ui Mobile filters now show quantity ( @alfredringstad )
  • @jetshop/core Fix regression on category preview route ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Always render product variation provider on product routes ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui When using GlobalFilters , the "Clear filters" button will no longer appear on categories that have no applicable filters applied ( @Jayphen )

0.12.3 - 2019-05-02


  • @jetshop/core Use lodash get for title to prevent type error ( @woahitsraj )

0.12.2 - 2019-05-02


  • @jetshop/core Add title to NostoProductRecos ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Addwish: Fix inconsistent state on error ( @KATT )


  • @jetshop/ui ScrollRestorationHandler now takes an array of route types to ignore ( @Jayphen )

0.12.1 - 2019-04-25


  • @jetshop/core Add nosto account id back to ChannelsFragment ( @woahitsraj )

0.12.0 - 2019-04-23


  • @jetshop/template-trend #270 Add Page_view tracking for search page ( @OskarHeden )
  • @jetshop/core Adding ?redirectDisabled=true will disable all redirects ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/template-trend #273 Correct ternary for bottomRight badges ( @OskarHeden )
  • @jetshop/core Shop config currency formatting will take precedence over API ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Add slot 'style' to index.html for Helmet style markup ( @vincent )
  • @jetshop/core Fix inconsistencies on add to cart mutation to align with persistent cart in UI. AddToCart now has new property cartMutation . ( @KATT )
  • @jetshop/core Add deprecation warning on AddToCart:onAddToCart ( @KATT )

0.11.1 - 2019-04-15


  • @jetshop/ui Image now accepts a quality prop ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Gallery accepts a quality and thumbnailQuality prop ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Add support for dynamic categories ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core OptionSwitch will use options prop to construct variant options if passed in ( @Jayphen )

0.11.0 - 2019-04-15


  • @jetshop/core Single domain mode now functioning based on channel URL ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Add 3 new callback props to AddToCart : onAddToCartInit / onAddToCartError / onAddToCartSuccess that are called with a unified interface


  • @jetshop/core Deprecate AddToCart:onAddToCart
  • @jetshop/core Fix optimistic mutation for add to cart when adding multiple products

0.10.8 - 2019-04-08


  • @jetshop/core Currency formatting now being properly set from API ( @woahitsraj )

0.10.7 - 2019-04-08


  • @jetshop/core Add cache busting on Addwish JSONP requests ( @KATT )
  • @jetshop/core Fix Addwish.trackCartCheckout being called when Addwish is not loaded and not the other way around ( @KATT )
  • @jetshop/core Fix GraphQL Gateway propagating errors from underlying GraphQL API ( @KATT )

0.10.6 - 2019-04-08

  • @jetshop/ui Fix filter accordion items displaying as expanded on first load ( @Jayphen )

0.10.5 - 2019-04-05


  • @jetshop/core Improve image component backwards compatibility ( @woahitsraj )

0.10.4 - 2019-04-05


  • @jetshop/core Fix performance issues in image component ( @woahitsraj )

0.10.3 - 2019-04-02


  • @jetshop/core Fix bad logic for single domain mode
  • @jetshop/core Fix IntervalQuery 's state doesn't get overridden by erroneous requests

0.10.2 - 2019-04-02


  • @jetshop/core Fix channelsQuery gets pulled on interval

0.10.1 - 2019-03-29


  • @jetshop/core Fix regression with singleDomainMode ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Make sure rich translation in EmptySearchResults uses documented syntax ( @alfredringstad )

0.10.0 - 2019-03-28



0.9.5 - 2019-03-27

  • @jetshop/ui Allow Image src to be overridden after first render ( @Jayphen )

0.9.4 - 2019-03-27


  • @jetshop/ui Added crop prop to Image component to allow opt-in to cropping ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Added fillAvailableSpace prop to Image component ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Added gravity prop to Image component, for use with crop ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Added data-attributes to Image component to allow for easier styling ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/ui Image component defaults to 1:1 instead of null ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Image uses fit resizing method instead of crop when aspect is provided ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Image logs a warning to the console if a boolean is provided as the src ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Add data-srcset to Image component for easier debugging ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/docs Update Image component docs with new changes ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Remove cases where primaryRoute and object { breadcrumbText } was being unnecessarily fetched to improve perf ( @Jayphen ) - 9976a934


  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where incorrect key was used for nosto cart items ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where FlightNostoCart may crash ( @jonatan )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix case where Image would not load if src contains unsafe characters ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix EmptySearchCategoriesQuery.gql to prevent crash when search results are empty ( @Jayphen )

0.9.3 - 2019-03-21


  • @jetshop/core Fix bug where tracking and tag manager IDs in shop.config were ignored ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/ui Filter choices with 0 results are disabled ( @johan.bjerling )

0.9.2 - 2019-03-21


  • @jetshop/ui Allow className provided as prop to Image component to override default styles ( @Jayphen )

0.9.1 - 2019-03-20


  • @jetshop/ui Fixed case where Image component would break when a className was given to it (e.g. via Emotion) ( @Jayphen )

0.9.0 - 2019-03-20


  • @jetshop/ui loadEagarly and lqip props on Image are deprecated ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/ui Image component will no longer throw an error if the image 404s ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix case where RangeFilter values would not update when other filters were applied ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix broken badge image when transparent badge is selected in admin ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added expiry to cookies for channel @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/ui Added thumbnailSizes prop to Gallery component ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Added Reset button state to RangeFilter component ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Disable RangeFilter component when min and max value are the same ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Added disableParamChange prop to FilterContainer to disable updating of URL params on filter change ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/docs Added some documentation on best practices ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/docs Added documentation for shop config and channel overrides @woahitsraj )


  • all packages Upgraded to React 16.8.4 ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Image component rewritten for better performance ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Images now default to null for aspect ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Update all gql fragments to use url field on images for product queries ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Refactored channel handling to be more clear and simple @woahitsraj )

0.8.4 - 2019-03-18


  • @jetshop/core Fixes bug where the locally-persisted cartID could fall out of sync with the server ( @Jayphen )

0.8.3 - 2019-03-07


  • @jetshop/core Removed ts-optchain to fix IE and Safari support ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/ui Added hasMissingOption to AddToCart render prop ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Add to cart button is not enabled until variants have been selected ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core cartId is now stored in localStorage rather than in a cookie ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core AddToCart will now throw an error if the product being added to cart does not have unique article numbers for variants ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core apollo-link-state dependency removed ( @Jayphen )

0.8.2 - 2019-03-05


  • all packages Upgraded to React 16.8.3 ( @Jayphen )
  • all packages Added new react-hooks/exhaustive-deps eslint rule ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui LoadingBar now has a z-index of 2147483647 (max possible) ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/{core, ui} Update Filter components to handle new filter ID construction ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Add cartQuery prop to AddToCart , which accepts a custom query to be used for the cart's optimistic response ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Update type definitions from updated schema ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Ensure FlightNostoRecos does not fail when there are no products in Nosto ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core FlightNostoRecos now uses child-as-fn pattern, with an object containing products as the first arg ( @Jayphen )

0.8.1 - 2019-02-28


  • @jetshop disableGateway flag in the shop config has been replaced with enableGateway , which is disabled by default ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Added support for 'Best Seller' sort order ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Use slimmed-down StartPageProductGrid in StartPageQuery ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Disabled GraphQL gateway by default. ( @Jayphen )

0.8.0 - 2019-02-21


  • @jetshop/core Queries in the queries.ts are now deprecated ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/ui Invalid variant combinations will now be disabled instead of disappear ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Add a key to SuggestedTerm bolded parts to eliminate React warning ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix search breaking when regex special chars are part of search string ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix mobile navigation not linking correctly to categories ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Fix NotFoundPage font family display ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Show variant image and details in the cart if a variant is added ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core NostoId will now be loaded from channel settings ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/ui A custom check and carrot can now be passed to SelectDropdown ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core If the path comes back different from the API a 301 redirect will be rendered ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core @jetshop/ui @jetshop/template-trend Graphql Queries are now composed in the shop and using .gql files ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Added LoadingLine component ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Added LoadingBar component ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Added ContentPageLink component ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added react-apollo-network-status middleware and wrapped the tree with a NetworkStatusProvider to globally provide the app's network status ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/docs Added documentation for loading state best practices ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added getCartItemVariant helper method to simplify retrieving variant details in the cart ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Template trend now uses DemoStore ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Added cacheHit boolean prop to CategoryPage , ProductPage , ContentPage ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Converted Stock/StockStatusContainer to a hydra component, which exports a useStockStatus custom hook ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Added loading states for all dynamic routes ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Use ContentPageLink for footer links ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Move Theme provider from Shop.js to client.js and boot.js ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend The NotifyWhenBack component will now show a relevant error when the email address is invalid ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend The NewsletterField component will now show a relevant error when the email address is already subscribed ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added getErrorDetail helper to assist in parsing ApolloErrors ( @Jayphen )

0.7.1 - 2019-02-13


  • @jetshop/core FilterContainer will now properly re-render when applying filters via applyFilters method ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix potential bug when searchTerm is not passed in to SuggestedTerm ( @Jayphen )

0.7.0 - 2019-02-12


  • @jetshop/core Upgraded service to v3, which fixes cases where unknown user agents were not polyfilled ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Overhauled nosto implementation to no longer use graphql and support Nosto IDs ( @woahitsraj )


  • all packages Upgraded to React 16.8 ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Replaced SearchFieldContainer with SearchAutoCompleteContainer ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Deprecated SearchFieldContainer ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Make strings in SearchField translatable ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/ui Added SearchAutoCompleteContainer ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added applyFilters(filters: ActiveFilters) method to FilterContext ( @Jayphen )

0.6.4 - 2019-02-07


  • @jetshop/ui Sizes will now be correctly calculated on Gallery images ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/ui Added fullScreenSizes prop to Gallery ( @Jayphen )

0.6.3 - 2019-02-06


  • @jetshop/core Bots will now ignore geoip redirects ( @woahitsraj )

0.6.2 - 2019-02-06


  • @jetshop/core Nosto product IDs are now parsed as integers when requested from the jetshop api ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Nosto product recommendations ignore errors and filter out null products ( @woahitsraj )

0.6.0 - 2019-02-05


  • @jetshop/ui Remove react-pose from Image component. Use CSS to transition opacity when image loads ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Updated nosto to support getting products by id ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Headers will now be forwarded when using apollo gateway on server ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Allow default selected option for products ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/ui Performance: Render filter select options only when select menu is open and is on-screen ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Filters will be persisted when navigating between a category and a non-category and then back (e.g. to a product and back) ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Performance: Eliminate unnecessary re-renders of FilterContainer when modifying filters ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/ui Added a 'clear filter' button to multiLevelListFilters ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Exposed updateHistory and skipPersisted boolean option params on clearFilters method rendered by FilterContext ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added GlobalFilters component that can be used to manage filter global behaviour ( @Jayphen )

0.5.2 - 2019-01-29


  • @jetshop/core Add support for comments in AddToCart mutation ( @woahitsraj )

0.5.1 - 2019-01-28


0.5.0 - 2019-01-28


  • @jetshop/docs Added documentation on Breakpoints ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/docs Added documentation on Migrations ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Added eslint and prettier to trend ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Added backgroundColor prop to Gallery component ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/core Updated graphql-codegen to latest version and updated typing ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/docs Fixed docs site returning 404 on non root routes. ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/ui Fix badges overlapping Gallery thumbnails ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Upgraded to the latest version of sentry on the server behind a flag ( @KATT )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Change CartFlyout to only render a flyout on desktop, and a drawer on mobile (avoid unnecessary renders) ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Change CartButton, MainNav, AddToCartWrapper to implement shouldComponentUpdate to avoid unnecessary renders ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Implemented CustomFont component ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Change Breadcrumbs component to a PureComponent to avoid unnecessary re-renders ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Image component will accept null for aspect prop. Aspect ratio will be automatically calculated ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/ui Update Menu/RecursiveTree to use new hasSubcategories field on category ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Change ChannelProvider and ProductVariationProvider to provide only the state object as value, to avoid the creation of a new value object on every render ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Added CustomFont, GoogleFont, and TypekitFont components to handle font loading ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Change Apollo to use SchemaLink over HttpLink on the backend ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Moved Sentry from being loaded via CDN to being bundled with the client ( @KATT )
  • @jetshop/docs Improved documentation for Image component ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Removed raven scripts from index.html ( @KATT )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Removed call to Google fonts from index.html ( @Jayphen )

0.4.0 - 2019-01-21


  • @jetshop/docs Added Documentation for nosto and adding additional schemas ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/template-trend Added NostoProductRecos component to get recommended products from nosto ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Added support for Nosto schema extensions and NostoProduct , NostoCategory , and NostoCart components ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Added option to conditionally disable GraphQL-gateway in shop config" ( @KATT )


  • @jetshop/ui Use aspect ratio passed to Gallery component to correctly size gallery images and thumbnails ( @Jayphen )
  • @jetshop/core Query string now takes precedent over URL matches ( @woahitsraj )


  • @jetshop/core Changed polyfills to be loaded async to prevent them from blocking rendering ( @woahitsraj )
  • @jetshop/core Replace BUILD_TARGET with macro __inServer__ ( @KATT )

0.3.1 - 2019-01-11


  • @jetshop/ui Added translation wrapper to breadcrumb text "Home" ( @Woahitsraj )

0.3.0 - 2019-01-03


  • @jetshop/ui #30 Add baked-in lazy loading to Image component ( @Jayphen )


  • @jetshop/template-trend Client hydration and sentry is now working

0.2.17 - 2018-12-10


  • @jetshop/ui #73 Fix selectList dropdown displaying multiple options as selected ( @Jayphen )
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