Dependencies with NPM and Yarn

Norce Flight projects use Yarn (a NPM client) for dependency management.

The package.json file in the root of your project lists the names and required versions of all your project dependencies. Packages with names that start with @jetshop/ are part of the Flight Framework. They can be installed, upgraded and managed the same way as any other NPM package.

Should I Use npm or yarn?

Always use yarn and yarn add when you are working on a Flight project.

The installation instructions for third party packages some times only include a npm install command. It's safe to substitute that with yarn add instead.

Whats this yarn.lock file?

Yarn automatically keeps track of the exact versions of all packages you install in the yarn.lock file at the root of your project. This file is then used to guarantee you get the exact same packages next time you (or someone else) set up your project.

This is important as it helps eliminate otherwise hard to debug errors that might occur when you end up with different package versions in production and on your local development machine.

Further Reading

Please refer to the excellent NPM and Yarn docs for further information.

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