Flight 5.1.0

Web vitals

The functionality to collect web vitals is also introduced. You need to set REACT_APP_REPORT_WEB_VITALS in the gitlab variables.

Cookie consent

A simple cookie consent modal is introduced which you can copy from here.

Boolean filters

This is also introduced in 4.5.0.

Support for default boolean filters. You need to add this value to the CategoryPageFragment.gql

  ... on BooleanFilter {
    value @client

Versioned images

This is also introduced in 4.5.0

The biggest functionality in this release is versioned images which are made possible by passing modifiedDate to the Image component. All image objects in the graphql api that support it, now have this additional field you can query. This will add a &timestamp=123123123 parameter to the query string, which solves the issue with images previously being stuck in caches when replaced with the same name in jetshop admin.

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