The FlyoutTrigger is used to render the button (or other element) that will trigger a flyout, and to define the flyout that should be displayed.
FlyoutTrigger takes a prop, id
, which should be a string. This will find the FlyoutTarget
with the same id
string, and display it.
It also takes a bolean prop, showCover
, which determines whether or not to show a semi-opaque 'Cover' filling the screen behind the flyout. The Cover can be clicked to close the flyout.
FlyoutTrigger's immediate child should be a function that receives
{function} Called to show the target -
{function} Called to hide the target -
{boolean} Whether the target is open
and returns the React tree to render for the trigger
const FlyoutTarget = require("./FlyoutTarget").default;
const Flyout = ({ children }) => (
backgroundColor: "white",
padding: "1rem",
position: "absolute",
zIndex: 5,
<FlyoutTrigger id="a-flyout">
{({ showTarget, hideTarget, isOpen }) => (
<button onClick={isOpen ? hideTarget : showTarget}>Push me</button>
<FlyoutTarget id="a-flyout">
{({ isOpen, hideTarget }) => <Flyout>Hello from this flyout!</Flyout>}
<ModalRoot />