
The DrawerTrigger is used to render the button (or other element) that will trigger a drawer, and to define the drawer that should be displayed.

DrawerTrigger takes a prop, id, which should be a string. This will find the DrawerTarget with the same id string, and display it.

Its immediate child should be a function that receives

  • showTarget {function} Called to show the target
  • hideTarget {function} Called to hide the target
  • isOpen {boolean} Whether the target is open

and returns the React tree to render for the trigger

const DrawerTarget = require("./DrawerTarget").DrawerTarget;
const Drawer = require("./Drawer").default;
  <DrawerTrigger id="a-drawer">
    {({ showTarget, hideTarget, isOpen }) => (
      <button onClick={isOpen ? hideTarget : showTarget}>Push me</button>

  <DrawerTarget id="a-drawer">
    {({ isOpen, hideTarget }) => (
      <Drawer isOpen={isOpen}>Drawer content</Drawer>
  <ModalRoot />
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