Open graph

The Flight framework provides components to generate Open Graph meta tags based on a product or page data.


import { OpenGraphProductData } from '@jetshop/core/components/OpenGraph'

Generates open graph meta tags for a product. Default fields generated (can be overriden with the optionalFields prop):

  • product:price:amount - Taken from product's price field
  • product:original_price:amount - Taken from product's previousPrice field
  • og:currency - Taken from the currently selected channel
  • product:availability - Set to true if the product is buyable
  • product:brand - Used if the product has a customField with key brand
  • product:category - Used if the product has a canonicalCategory


import { OpenGraphGeneralPageData } from '@jetshop/core/components/OpenGraph'

Generates open graph meta tags for a page. Default fields generated from page data (can be overriden with the optionalFields prop):

  • og:title
  • og:description
  • og:url
  • og:image
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