Web fonts

Loading custom fonts in a performant way can be hard. Flight framework components to make this as simple as possible — GoogleFont, TypekitFont, and CustomFont.

We have implemented the FOUT with class method for loading webfonts. You can read more about this method here: https://www.zachleat.com/web/comprehensive-webfonts/#fout-class

Essentially, we load your fonts asynchronously so that rendering is not blocked. This means that text is visible sooner, which improves the perceived performance of the app. Once the fonts have loaded, we add a className to the html element in the form your-font-name-ready. You can then use this className in your styles to apply the font. We do this automatically for your primaryFont. More on this later!

Common props

Each of the font components accepts a primaryFont and a secondaryFonts prop, described below.

 * The Primary font used in the app. This will be added to the `body` styles.
 * If you use multiple Font components, only one should use primaryFont. A
 * `font-family-name-ready` class will also be added to the html tag. */
type primaryFont = string;
 * An array of secondary fonts used in your app. For each of these fonts, a
 * class will be added to the html element in the form `font-family-name-ready`
 * once the font is loaded and ready to use */
type secondaryFonts = string[];


The primaryFont will be automatically applied to the body. It will be used for all text by default. The CSS used to apply the font is as follows (font-family-name and Font Family Name will be substituted):

/** These styles are automatically applied for the `primaryFont` **/
.font-family-name-ready body {
  font-family: "Font Family Name", sans-serif;
  line-height: 1;
  letter-spacing: 0;
  word-spacing: 0;
  font-weight: normal;


Any fonts supplied to the secondaryFonts array will not automatically generate any CSS, but they will be added to the html tag, so they can be applied selectively.

For example, let's say that you want to use Lato for all headers on your site. If you supply this font to secondaryFonts, the className lato-ready will be added to the html tag. You could then use it like so:

.lato-ready h1,
.lato-ready h2,
.lato-ready h3,
.lato-ready h4 {
  font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;

Fallback styles

import webfontComparison from '@root/docs/static/webfont-comparison.png'; import layoutShift from '@root/docs/static/layout-shift.gif';

Until your fonts have finished loading, fallback font styles will be used. You can define the fallback styles in your Theme.js (example at template-trend/src/components/Theme.js).

To minimise the flash of unstyled text (FOUC) when the fallback font swaps to the desired font, you should choose fallback styles that most closely match the primaryFont you are using. A good tool to do this is this Font Style Matcher.

<img src={webfontComparison} style={{ maxWidth: '100%', boxShadow: '0 0 18px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', borderRadius: '6px' }} />

On the right, select or upload your primaryFont. On the left, select a system font that roughly matches (for example, system-ui or Helvetica). You can then adjust the fallback font using the sliders to most closely match it to your desired webfont. Copy the fallback font styles to your Theme.js.

Example of matched fonts:

<img src={layoutShift} style={{ maxWidth: '100%' }} />

Custom Fonts

The CustomFont component (@jetshop/core/components/Fonts/CustomFont) is the recommended way of delivering fonts. With this method, you will need to provide the fonts yourself by putting them in the fonts directory in your template. There is an example of this in Template Trend.

You will also need to provide your own @font-face declarations. Again, there is an example of this in Template Trend at template-trend/src/fonts/loadFontCss.js. If you want to use the free fonts offered by Google, you can download the font files at http://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com. For other fonts, you are responsible for providing properly licensed font files.

As demonstrated in loadFontCss.js, import each of your fonts and then use the import name in your @font-face declarations. We've included an example of how to provide different font formats in order to maximise browser compatibility. If you only need to support modern browsers, you can just include woff2 and woff. Make sure to include font-display: swap in your declarations.


In your Shop.js, include the CustomFont component. Pass it a primaryFont and/or secondaryFonts (as described under Common props above), along with an injectCss prop containing the method containing your @font-face declarations imported from loadFontCss.js.

<CustomFont primaryFont="Lato" injectCss={loadFontCss} />

Google Fonts

Using CustomFont is recommended for best performance. However, you can use the GoogleFont component instead if you prefer to use Google's CDN-hosted fonts (note they are also available to download from http://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com).

In your Shop.js, include the GoogleFont component. Pass it a primaryFont and/or secondaryFonts (as described under Common props above).

Use the family string as provided by the Embed panel on Google Fonts. For example, for Source Sans Pro with semi-bold and Vietnamese support, the string is: Source+Sans+Pro:400,600&amp;subset=vietnamese

  secondaryFonts={["Lato", "Roboto"]}

The above will result in an html tag like this once the fonts have loaded:

<html class="source-sans-pro-ready lato-ready roboto-ready"></html>

For better performance, add the following preconnect hint to the head of your index.html:

<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com/" crossorigin />


Typekit bundles files together and provides an id for their embed code, as described at https://helpx.adobe.com/fonts/using/embed-codes.html.

The TypekitFont component is used in the same way as the above components, but you must also provide the id.

<TypekitFont id="glm4yoq" secondaryFonts={["adobe-clean"]} />
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